For businesses, schools and local government organisations, we’ve developed organisational C-19 Toolkits to ensure you’re informed, up-to-date and able to plan effectively around COVID-19.

Each C-19 Toolkit is informative, interesting and above all, practical. They’ve been developed with medical experts that worked through the pandemic in hospital settings. They also possess national-level regulatory and CQC expertise.

Toolkits contain an online training programme of approximately 90 minutes. This we call the Coronavirus 101. It includes an assessment and certificate of completion. You can earn CPD accreditation, if required. 

This low-cost online training programme can be completed in one sitting or taken at your own pace. It sorts the facts from the fake news; how the virus is transmitted, the effectiveness of different measures and how to optimise your workplace.

In addition, as part of the toolkit you receive access to our curated knowledge base of further reading, access to a programme of webinars and Q&A sessions with the doctors that created the programme. Also, you have email access to those doctors, a risk assessment template and access to other software tools.


Isolation Checker

A ready to go online tool to help workforce planning. Using technology built for large scale NHS data collection, the Workscreener Isolation Checker, is designed to track and monitor the health and availability for work of employees, whether at company premises or working remotely.

GDPR-compliant and scalable, the Workscreener Isolation Checker has a short, built-in Covid-19 questionnaire that can identify and flag-up risk factors in worker availability.

Quick and easy to implement, the Workscreener Isolation Checker is a reliable and practical tool to ensure the smooth running of your organisation.


One platform, to easily manage PCR & Antibody test data from multiple providers.

The COVID-19 Test Manager is a comprehensive data management tool that will seamlessly integrate and communicate vital information to leadership teams for timely and critical decision-making. With the ability to scale irrespective of where, how and which test is carried out.

The current, unprecedented situation of COVID-19 needs an innovative and results-oriented strategy for accurate data collection and communication. Businesses, schools and local government need timely and robust information so that vital life-saving decisions can be made to contain the impact of the virus.